Group Meeting: 2 hours
Making Quick Mock Up: 1.5 hours
UI Aesthetic Drafts: 2 hours
Total: 5.5 hours
When I was about to start on messing with the game's lighting I took a step back and felt that currently that game was in a solid looking state and it'd be a misuse of time to focus my efforts here(at least at this stage of development). With that in mind I instead made a mock up for how the tutorial could play out to share on Saturday's meeting. Only problem with this was that it was dependent on the game's tone on how to approach the tutorial. Soon after we not only hashed out the tone but also the beginning portion of the story which helps a lot for how we approach working on assets.
After talking to the art team, my current plan is to expand on some of the ideas I had for the tutorial to give the menu and in-game UI more personality. I want to work efficiently through this stage so there is a good amount done before the player rig is done and I switch over making animations.