We are finally weaving together the new additions into our scenes. The storyboards have been woven into the first scene to enhance the narrative.
This week, I started building the UI boards for our game. I laid out the basic wireframes with Robert over the weekend as we decided to go with a Cyberpunk-like look for the game.
The death barrier will also be tweaked and will be replaced by a cylinder instead of misshapen cuboids. The new camera implementation was unfortunately further delayed due to upcoming midterms. However, I was able to fix numerous bugs throughout the scenes and made it alpha-ready.
I was also able to fix an annoying performance stagnating bug by checking for Vector3.zero:
Vector3 direction = origianlPosition - transform.position;
if (direction != Vector3.zero)
enemyBody.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(enemyBody.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction), 2 * Time.deltaTime * enemySpeed);
Hours worked: ~8 hrs