Group Meeting: 1 hour
Self Implementation: 5 hours
Total Hours: 6 hours
During this week, my task is to adjust the implementation of melee enemy. Before that, I adjust the power of the Ammo Drop based on the feedback. I increased the power to 4 so that the bullet can deal four times damage.
First, I add the aggro mark to both the melee and range enemy. Whenever they find the player or get
hit by the player, the aggro mark will show above them and disappear in 1.5 sec0nds.
Then, I increased the rush speed of the melee enemy which performs the function of dash. After the dash, the enemy will stop at that position and make an attack. If the player leave the attack range during that time period, the attack will fail and start next dash. Based on suggestion, I also add the dash trail to the enemy. So, the player can see the enemy "speeding up" visually.